Description of a Stingray
The Body:
Stingrays are very smart creatures. They learn very fast and remain calm under pressure.
They have skinny whip-like tails at the back of their body, but they aren't even used for swimming.. They can weigh up to 790lbs (350 kg) and can grow up to 6.5-14 feet long.
Near the middle of their tails, there are several razor-sharp, serrated barbs lined with a very strong poison. This poison is basically fatal to humans.
Their eyes and gills are located on the top of their head. Their eyes are not very strategically placed though.
The top of their body can look like a murky. lighter gray, all the way up to a deep, dark brown. This is because a lot of sting ray spend their time hiding under the sand or in different places in the ocean. The stingray's coloration commonly reflects the seafloor's shading, camouflaging it from predatory sharks and larger rays.
The mouth is located on the bottom of their body, which is a fleshy bright white. Their jaws are very strong, they can even crush a hardcore mullosk shell.

Fun Fact: The largest freshwater fish (aka the largest stingray found) weighed 800 lbs!